Friday, 29 January 2010



Kate Rivers said...

I really like your front cover all the colours look really good together. And I think it looks like something you could buy in the shops .
Well done :)

MillieUncles said...

Really like your front cover egg, you've constructed it very well. Rach looks really good in the picture, you have edited it really well.
The cover lines are really good, however some of the texts are a little light, it could be sligthty clearer. However pretty damn good otherwise.

ellie.gooby said...

front cover looks really good. the picture is really good and you have edited it nicely :) i like the fonts that you have used and the colours go really well together.

Charlotte Bailey said...

Well done Egg, looks so so good. Rachelle looks amazing, her gaze into the camera and stance are brilliant. Nice masthead also. Seriously, really good. I like the feminine calligraphic font used for 'Rochelle'.

jess.ellis09 said...

I think the colors look really good on this cover, the silvers and pinks go really well with your picture. The picture is good been edited well. The only thing is a couple of the cover lines area bit hard to see. But apart from that this looks like a proper magazine. Its really good egg :) x