Rochelle, 23, announced through a lawyer that she was bowing of Triple R, blaming differences between her and the remaining two Girls. Rochelle has had a tumultuous year. Renowned for attracting mountainous tabloid column inches during her volatile (and very public) relationship with American Dancer Lloyd Lewis. Here she talks about the pressures of the press, the reason for the breakup of the popular (three female) band ‘Tripple R’ [Rochelle, Rebecca and Rosie] and the success of her upcoming album.
Obviously the big question is, what happened to Triple R? I mean we have heard different stories about you and the band but we want the real truth Ha, well where do I begin, there were so many things wrong with the band, we had arguments with our manager about who should be in lead because recently Rebecca had been singing lead in basically all of the songs, and as you can probably imagine, this caused tension between us, which was unusual because we all used to be so close as friend before we became a group. And, um then Rebecca started to receive all the attention from other artists, men, and paparazzi, it was as if we were no longer part of the band, and what hurt the most was that Rebecca did not even seem to care that we were being neglected. Our manager used to say to me ‘try not to smile too much’. This then caused conflict with me and our manager, and I wanted to leave ESTEE records but Rebecca and Rosie wanted to stay and I know this sound really petty and pathetic, but the tension between me and the manager, and Rebecca was simply too much so I decided to leave and pursue the solo career I have always dreamed of. And the birth of Rosie’s daughter meant that they couldn’t stay together as a solo group so we all went our own ways
Now, everyone has been talking about you and Lloyd Lewis, who just happens to be Rebecca’s ex boyfriend? Do you want to elaborate on what happened there? This in no way was planned, I know Rebecca and I have had our ups and downs, but never would I deliberately want to hurt her. I am aware that triple R fans are disapproving of my decision to date Lloyd, but it’s my life, my choice, and I love him.
Rumors have spiraled that you are pregnant is it true? Haha I did actually read something about that earlier on today but unfortunately it’s not true, I don’t really think I’m ready for kids, I’m only 23 and my career has, in my eyes, just began so children are a long way away from my mind right now.
Are you surviving okay with all the tabloid attention you've been getting recently? Well obviously it is. I wish it wasn't in my life to the degree that it is, but I'm not going to say anything about this anymore. Every interview I've done, if you get me on that subject, you won't get me off it! I'm not the only person who has to deal with this, and I'm not the only person to resent it. I wish that it wasn't so prevalent in my life but I accept it. It's been a pretty tumultuous year, and hopefully it will die down a bit.
Also, you and Rebecca are releasing your albums on the same date how do you feel about this and do you think it was intentional? No not at all, erm Jase Estee, my old manager had his problems with me but I honestly do not think he would deliberately release the album the same date as mine. Erm even with everything that has happened, I still love Rebecca, even if she hates me, so I wish her the best of luck with their new album launch.
C’mon Rochelle you must have some envy or curiosity as to who will win? Ahaha! Well yeah obviously I am curious to know who will win because even though it’s just album release dates, it sort of represents whether I made the right decision or not leaving the band. I mean I would like to win, not simply to beat Rebecca, but because it would prove to Jase that I am independent and that I am just as good as Rebecca, it would give me a boost for the future I guess.
When’s the triple R battle release date? Haha is that what people are calling it? Its released on the 23rd of this month so don’t forget to buy it or there will be trouble hahahaha I’m joking
Yeah…course you are. You recently dyed your hair brunette for your new album, did you enjoy the transformation? Hahaaaaaaa erm well it wasn't about being glamorous; I wanted to look very different from how I look normally, to create a new start to my life.
Not only has all this drama happened, I believe you also lost your niece this year? Yeah Jasmine. I never really got to meet her because she died about an hour after birth and I was on tour in Japan when I heard the news. I don’t take death easily at all, and that’s why I was forced to cancel a majority of my concerts, because all I did for weeks was cry. My brother and I are really close and with my parents dying when we were young, we were looked after by our auntie, and my brother was all I had as a little girl. The shear fact that I did not get to meet my brother’s first child is torturous, and I still get nightmares about her.
This must have been very stressful, but u picked yourself up and On top of your heavy lifestyle, you have had time to feature in the new film Casanova, with Jude Law when did you start acting? I have been acting since I was 7 years old, and it was always something I wanted to do as a backup of singing. In college I studied drama as a main subject and really felt this was the opportunity for me to show off my talents, also to experience life as an actress.
Now we all know deep down you are a bit of a tomboy so how did you cope with the corsets in the movie? I was so excited at first about wearing a corset. It makes you feel very repressed, because you can hardly breathe and your organs are squashed to within an inch of your life. It squeezes you, and gives you darts in your skin. I also had a big bum bustle, so I couldn't even lie down. The novelty wore off, and I wanted to burn it by the end!
What was Jude Law like as a leading man? He was like a big brother, really laid-back. He called me 'big bum' because of my big bustle. I think a lot of actors would have come into that role - playing the greatest lover of all time - with a huge ego. Jude Law didn't pout or pose, or have any ego whatsoever, which is so hard to do when you're playing a man like that. We didn't stop laughing for five months; we had a really good time.
What about the future for you? I'm not sure. I'm quite spontaneous, so I don't like to plan too much in the future. But I'd like to continue with the acting. Singing has too much drama haha. Erm I would like to do a really good comedy, one where I'm the really funny one. I don't want to be the generic girl, just the love interest. I want to play strong or destructive, or interesting women.
What do you think about the idea of everyone having their 15 minutes of fame? I think that everybody does have their 15 minutes. Some people have 30 minutes, some people have eight hours. The breakup of the band has allowed me to really pursue my dreams and have my minutes of fame and I wouldn’t change this for the world.
Do you think your instant fame right now will help this film? I can't look at it from that point of view, I'm very proud of this film. So anything to help it, I suppose is.... I'm not going to say that!
Rochelle, here’s a popular question we’ve had for you…what actually is your surname because it’s nowhere to be seen? Hahahah, really? People wanna know my surname? It’s...actually I’ll keep it a secret it’s much more fun that way I think, and plus it’s bound to get out soon because it’s in the credits of Casanova so you’ll have to wait till then
You really are a mystery! When is the film even out? In March…I can’t off the top of my head actually remember the date but I know its mid march haha
Well Rochelle thank you for today thanks for having me
And we hope to see more success in the future thank you so much
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