Friday, 29 January 2010


Typography is the different typographic components, which can and should be applied to the magazine.
For the title of my magazine front cover I would like to use serif font, similar to the font used in the ‘Elle’ magazine, which I earlier analysed. In attempt to differentiate the title from the rest of the text, I attempt to use sans serif font. For the cover lines, I would like to use sans serif font because many people think they are clearer and easy to read. I want to make sure I use different fonts for my front cover, to provide variety, but I will use no more than about three fonts as too many fonts enable the front cover to look confusing and badly planned.
The size of the font will depend on my target audience, but seen as my target audience is between 14 and 24, there is no need for extremely large font, but at the same time, it is not material for a legal document, so therefore should not be too small, but readable.
The leading space will all be approximately the same to show continuity, but the leading space between the different cover line topics may variegate, as magazine covers are not usually all straight lines, with the same spacing in-between he lines.

There are several ways of emphasising words, and phrases. This includes:
· Making the word/phrase bold
· Making the word/phrase italic
· Changing the colour of the word/phrase
· Changing the font of the word/phrase
· Changing the size of the word/phrase
· Putting boxes or tinted backgrounds behind the word/phrase

On my front cover I intend to have a variety of different fonts, colours, sizes and possibly tinted boxes around the text. This is because I feel these are the most effective methods of emphasizing words, and they give the words uniqueness from the rest of the text.

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