Friday, 29 January 2010


I really dislike this front cover, and personally see it as unprofessional. The black strip behind the text, I feel is unnecessary, and looks as though it was done in paint or another simple programme. The only appeal this magazine front cover has to me is the colours used. From my research, the most popular house style theme is silver, pink, and black, and these are the colours used on this front cover.
The genre of music used in this magazine is very relative towards, the type of music my magazine is based on; and in this respect, this cover is very useful because some of the artists mentioned could be used on my own front cover. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of cover lines used in this front cover, which is quite unhelpful research wise.
My main focus is on the colours used, although I do not think the pink used is strong enough for my music magazine, I would like to use a more striking pink, as silver, black and white are quite dull colours.
Even though I disagree with the use of the background on the title, I am not against the font used. It is basic, simple but works well with the rest of the text used. It is a different font from the other fonts used on the page, but, it is similar to the main cover lines. Noticeable, the most important cover lives are in a bolder font hat all the other unnecessary information on the page.
I also noticed the lack of a barcode. This is annoying because I was also deciding where to place my own barcode, but the barcode of this magazine is placed on the back of the magazine only.

The colours used in this front page are of no appeal towards my actual magazine, as I feel they look childish and inappropriate for a music magazine.
I like the fact that a lot of the title is covered by the head of the artist on the front, and would like to use this in my own front cover.
~I have also noticed that the name of the artist has been written in a larger font that the rest of the text on the page, besides the title. This is also a technique I would like to adapt.
Down the left side of the page is a clear colour coordination of alternating blue and orange, I am not sure whether I like this idea or not, and would like to experiment with it.
Also I like the mostly white background, but the barcode, looks as though it has just been pasted onto the page, because it is pure white and the background behind it is not. For this reason, I would prefer a clinically white background.
Similarly to the ‘Flavour’ magazine, the font used for the title is very basic and simple.
I also must comment on the fact that there is text above the main title, which may be a technique I use depending on what the picture looks like, and how far down the page it is.

I chose to research this magazine because it is a music magazine with the same genre as my magazine, but there is nothing really adaptable from this magazine because all the font is quite large so there is little information in the cover lines.
The red used for this magazine is too striking and I personally do not really like it. The cover just looks like the editor had nothing to write about in this issue of ‘Vibe’, so therefore made all the font large to take up space, but used bright colours to appeal to readers because there was no particularly interesting cover line. Also, again I dislike how the barcode looks, and although the barcode should be irrelevant and unimportant, I feel it should blend in with the background in order for it to be as unnoticeable as the editors would like it to be. The barcode on this front cover is very noticeable to me because it is not blended into the background and simply looks accidental.

I really like this front cover, and will base my own front cover largely on this one. I love the use of colour coordination; the black dress and the black text, and the continuous silver used for the text, as well as the title of the magazine.
This is another magazine, where the title is slightly covers by the head of the artist, which is something I actually admire, and will use in my own magazine.
As the background is pure white, the barcode does not look so out of place and looks as though it has blended into the background.
This pose is also similar to one of my chosen front cover poses, and is therefore quite useful to me.
The title font is very elegant and has made me consider my fonts a lot. I would like a font similar to this one. My only concern with this is the fact that it is the only magazine in my research, which is not a music magazine, and it is also the only magazine with such an elegant font. This makes me consider whether the elegance of the font is appropriate for a music magazine or not. I have also noticed the little text written in-between the ‘L’ and ‘E’ of the magazine title. I do not think this will be appropriate for my magazine because my title has more letters, and I do not feel there will be enough space.

This is another magazine I largely admire because it looks so professional, and the photograph looks so natural.
This pose, too is very similar to that of one of the poses made by my model.
I also noticed how the ‘L’ and the ‘E’ in the title hook onto her arm. This is only small but very creative and really like the little touches made here.
Unfortunately, where the first ‘L’ is, f you look really closely, the editing is very clear, and is shown when her hair overlaps the letter. It has not been cropped properly, and the previous background is shown which although is a negative comment, is very unnoticeable.
I also like the placement of the artist’s name. It is in a different position to the previous ‘Elle’ magazine, but still has the same effect because it is in bold writing, and is at the top of the page, rather than at the bottom of the page. The only thing I would not adapt from this cover is the use of the brown, as it is irrelevant to my magazine and was not a popular option in my search. I have noticed that besides every barcode on ‘Elle’ magazine, the magazine website is written.

Again, I am not a fan of the brown used in this magazine but the pose is similar to that of one of the poses used by my model, and therefore the placement of the cover lines on this magazine, are very important.
This title is slightly different to the other ‘Elle’ magazines researched because the other magazines are partly covered by the head of the artist, whereas this title is partly covered by the head of the artist, yet the second ‘L’ is wrapped in front of the head of the artist. This works because the colour of the title is similar to that of the hair of the artist.
The artist name is written at the bottom of the page is large font, similarly to where Jennifer Aniston’s name was written in the first ‘Elle’ magazine shown.
I do not like where the barcode has been placed because it looks pasted again, but due to the space the image takes up, there is nowhere appropriate to place the barcode without it looking pasted.

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