Sunday, 7 March 2010

Double Page image #1

These are the stages of editing my first image. I removed the background, as the white was not as brilliant white, as I would have liked it to be. I also made her slightly thinner, around the waist, to give her the stereotypical model body. From here, I brightened the picture, and decreased the contrasting of the image. I also drew an increasing star design by the side of the left eye. The colour used for the stars, will be the same colour used for the text. I then de-saturated the image, but used the history brush tool, to recover the colour of the stars. I also drew in more eyelashes, to give her eyes more definition.

I was originally going to use the history brush to recover the dress, and lipstick, but when I did it, she just looked like a cartoon character, and this was not the look I was hoping to achieve.

The only problem with this image, is the fact that both the left and the right of the image have been slightly cut off so it will be hard positioning her on the double page spread appropriately.

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